Stress is inevitable in life.

Stress creates stimulation in the body.  Once you’re stimulated you become speedier. That’s why in corporate world, those who can handle more stress, they gain more. The more stress you take, the higher you reach in the corporate world.  Because, you’re building a habit- a muscle, you can take bigger stress next time. Stress indicates that human body is alive. But, unnecessarily chronic stress is the main culprit that saps our energy as it can make your body toxic. Say for example, when each day you unfairly face mistreatment at work, unfortunately misbehaved at home, it can be the real stress perse as we discuss about stress.  It is chronic stress. You cannot tolerate it much longer.  Firstly, for this sad state of your being chronically stressed, your metabolism will be negatively affected.  You’ll be eating but foods will not be digested.  You’ll be lethargic. A constant pressure will push your body weight. Your body will be swollen, which is obesity as we call it.

“The body’s response to stress usually regulates itself. … Whilst a lack of stress means your body is under-stimulated, stress that is too intense or prolonged causes your body to release stress hormones (cortisol) over a long period.  This increases the risk of a range of physical health problems including headaches, stomach upsets and high blood pressure. It can even increase the risk of having a stroke or heart attack.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/0/21685448

”Cortisol, known as the stress hormone, also temporarily increases energy by triggering the release of glucose into the bloodstream, to help the person fight or run away.  At the same time, other bodily functions which are not immediately needed, such as digestion, are suppressed.”

“Everyone needs a certain amount of stress or pressure to live well. It’s what gets you out of bed in the morning and motivates you throughout the day. However, stress becomes problematic when there’s too much or too little.”

“More often, stress leads to psychological problems. It can make people feel distrust, anger, anxiety and fear, which in turn can destroy relationships at home and at work. Stress also plays a key role in the development of anxiety disorders and depression.”

“Long-term stress can play havoc with your immune system, and a recent study suggests it raises the odds of developing viral infections.”

“Other research found people who suffered from chronic stress at work were at greater risk of developing metabolic syndrome, which is a combination of diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity.”

Well, as we accept stress is there in life for the very fact that we are alive, we shall have to find the MEANINGFUL stress- the stress we need for our growth.  Which stress is NECESSARY? This is your choice. Nobody can impose it on you. There is no war going on. You know in warring state, young boys (in most cases) are forcefully sent to war. That’s another type of stress from which many psychological disorders can erupt. For example, during Second World War it happened.

In normal scenario as we are in now, it is our self-responsibility to choose meaningful stress. Well, where does the meaningfulness come from as far as stress is concerned?

Luckily at work, though there is Free-riding problem, we are not that much emotionally charged because instant reply situation prevails at home and with close ones. Father –son, mother-daughter, brother-brother, brother-sister, with relatives we have emotional clash more than we have at work.

Often we discover people love to spend time at work because at work we find pleasant time if we don’t have such pleasure at home.

  • Kill it by picking something from the world as Stress is a worldly phenomenon

For example, in most cases we are stressed for not having things we desire. We feel that we don’t have much money, or we don’t earn much. In this case by earning much you can de-stress ie kill your stress from this factor.

Organizations often help us in this regard. They offer fixed payment and Performance based payment (PBP). For PBP, to fulfill your desire, you have to work hard and go extra mile, which itself will create some body stress.  You perform, you earn more, you be happier.  Worldly stress is killed by worldly stuff.  Earn. Learn.

Set your goal. Work on it. You will be bodily charged/ stressed but will be motivated yourself for the reward you will get.  You work hard, prepare, take stress. Live life.

Meaningful work ensures your goals, passion, ambition are at par. You will be enjoying the day like a teenaged lover.  You will not be disturbed by anything. You perhaps have seen the perseverance of teenaged lovers, they can tolerate pain extreme, mundane, because they are stimulated. They produce much dopamine and Testosterone chemicals by being engaged in the opposite love partner.  To have similar effect, people resort to many options, but generally, natural ways are the best and lasting.

Education is another drug. The best drug. You produce same level of effect by being merged in you favorite book you read. Drug initially makes the user cool. READING at pastime will make you cool too.

Competition is always there.  Jealousy, hatred, greed, envy will be there at work as long as we are human. By being emotionally intelligent we perhaps can handle these for time being.  But facing healthy competition is helpful for you.

“Failure comes from ego, greed, envy, fear, imitation. I have success not because I am smart, but because I am rational.”

— Warren Buffett

As long we are human being, we will have these human traits. Other-wise the world would not have expanded.  Stress is actually making things bigger in the world. Manage the competition in a socially approved way. Business competition is fierce. When we are panicked, we fight or flight. By being intelligent we do any of the two.  Earlier time it was duel to decide the winner. Fight was honorary option.  Now flight can sometimes be a good option depending on situation where we fear that things may go beyond control.

Thanks to EDUCE, the human resource centre of HUSSAINS.

To know more about EDUCE’s stress management scientific techniques, please contact:


Email: educe@hussainsbd.com; fatema@hussainsbd.com


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